Love at first bite

Goodfood Valencia was founded in 2021 by Yubin & Heidi. Although it all started as a hobby, it turned into a successful business by now.
We would love to share our enthusiasm about Valencia and our passion for food & drinks with you!


Yubin & Heidi

Yubin and Heidi's life stories are miles apart but have crossed paths in Valencia! Curious how that happened? Then read on!


Yubin is an epicurean at heart. With his wanderlust and background in tourism, Yubin has already lived and worked in many beautiful places around the world. Volunteering in Africa, bartending in the French Alps, backpacking through Southeast Asia, tour guide in Malta, you name it. He only really lost his heart in Australia, where he worked his way up to Venue Manager in a fancy bar and fully enjoyed all the (female) beauty that Melbourne has to offer. Unfortunately, the arrival of Corona threw a spanner in the works and eventually forced Yubin to return to Valencia. What should have been a temporary stay in Valencia became a home base with future prospects. He fell in love, bought an apartment and started his own business. Who would have thought that of this free soul! 


Heidi neatly followed the beaten path. She graduated with honors in Econometrics and worked as an Asset & Liability Risk Manager at a private bank in Amsterdam. Despite the fact that her life seemed perfect to the outside world, she felt trapped in a rat race. After much deliberation, she took a drastic decision: she quit her job, sold her house, broke off her relationship, and booked a one-way trip to Costa Rica. During a physical and mental journey through Central America, Heidi found out that it is more important to pursue your own dreams than to live up to other people´s expectations. She eventually ended up in Valencia where she enjoys the Spanish life to the fullest. There she met Yubin and fell in love immediately. It just shows us that life can turn out very differently than you think it will.

Follow us on Instagram & @heidifromholland and enjoy our permanent holiday!